Pick Click Give


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No one needs to tell Alaskans that these are difficult economic times. Right now it’s very easy for us to hold tightly to our personal resources – to focus just on taking care of our own families. Still, Alaskans are known for looking out for their neighbors. We want to help people in need and assure a good quality of life in our communities. This year we can do that in a new way, thanks to an innovative program set up by the Alaska State Legislature.

The PFD Charitable Contributions Program – better known as Pick. Click. Give. – allows each Alaskan who files online for a Permanent Fund Dividend to give a “share of their share” to Alaska nonprofit organizations who qualified for this year’s program, the campuses of the University of Alaska, or affiliates of the Alaska Community Foundation. Pick. Click. Give. is a safe and secure way to make a donation to a nonprofit whose mission you support. You can give anywhere from $25 to your entire dividend, to one or more organizations. It’s your choice. Give what’s right for you and your family.

Pick. Click. Give. can be a powerful way to increase support for Alaska nonprofits. We know from our research in setting up the program that 70% of Alaska households made some type of charitable contribution in 2007. If these generous families increase their contributions by giving a little more through their PFD, the result will be significant. Consider, too, that close to one-third of Alaskans already use part of their PFD to donate to a nonprofit. If one-third more joined them, the result – again – will be significant.

A team made up of the Alaska Giving Coalition, The Foraker Group, United Way of Anchorage, the Rasmuson Foundation, and many other organizations is helping the state implement the program. The Rasmuson Foundation has generously agreed to cover the costs to run the program for the first three years.

To help Alaskans learn more, we have set up a web site – www.PickClickGive.org — with information on how you can give and background on the organizations that qualified for this year’s list. We encourage you to visit the site before you file for your PFD. Consider what organizations you would like to support and how much you would like to donate – more than 330 organizations qualified for the 2009 application and represent the diversity of nonprofits around the state. Check the FAQ page – we believe any questions you have will be addressed there. If you want additional information, please call us at 1-888-785-GIFT (4438).

Alaskans have a long tradition of sharing – from potlatches celebrated among Alaska Native communities – to Day of Caring sponsored by United Way agencies around the state – to favorite nonprofits through regular donations – and to spontaneous fund drives that spring up when people reach out to a neighbor who is hit by sudden tragedy. Pick. Click. Give. is simply another way to share.

We face huge economic challenges right now and it’s critical that we continue giving – or start giving – to Alaska’s nonprofit organizations that make our state a better place for all of us. Every donation through your PFD will help. It’s important for all of us to come together – and give a little extra.

Jim Caldarola is Director of Stewardship and Development, the Archdiocese of Anchorage, and Chair of the Alaska Giving Coalition.