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Alaska Center for FASD

About Us

Our vision is that all communities recognize Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) as preventable birth defects, and simultaneously recognize and honor the inherent human value of individuals living with brain-based differences, to create healthier, more successful life experiences for all Alaskans. We are doing this by becoming a statewide, sustainable resource for credible information and advocacy about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD); advocating for systems that better recognize and support individuals and families affected by FASD across the lifespan; pursuing a cultural shift that eliminates stigma and celebrates and supports individuals and families through peer-inclusive community engagement; showing evidence of Center productivity; and supporting efforts to prevent alcohol exposure during pregnancy.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

We are excited to know that your support will allow us to expand services and reach across Alaska. Your contributions are evidence that you care about this disability and understand that it can effect at least 48,000 folks from all walks of life in our state. We are all likely to know or interact with someone who is impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure (or their family/caregivers). The individuals who experience an FASD can struggle in the home, school, employment, criminal justice, and child protection systems and deserve our support and advocacy so that they can engage meaningfully and more successfully in their communities. Thank you!!!

Mailing Address

3201 C Street Suite 111
Anchorage, AK 99503




(907) 249-6641

Past Contributions

2021: $1,575.00
2022: $1,600.00
2023: $1,350.00
Total: $4,525.00

Cause Types

Youth & Education
Youth Development
Aid and Services to Individuals with Mental Illness
Aid and Services to the Disabled