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Choosing Our Roots

About Us

Choosing Our Roots (COR) is a grassroots nonprofit devoted to safely housing homeless and marginally housed Alaskan youth (ages 13-24) who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer (LGBTQ+). Operating from the core values of dignity and respect, community, cultural relevancy, empowerment, and hope, COR uses a community host home model to provide housing options suited to participants' unique needs and designed to foster long-term relationships with host families and mentors. In addition to housing, COR provides wraparound services to achieve participant-identified goals. This includes intensive case management, material assistance, ongoing training for host families, voluntary supports for families of origin, life skills training, and social support opportunities. Collectively, these services empower COR's youth participants to thrive as confident, resilient young adults.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

By providing operating support for COR's statewide services, Pick.Click.Give. makes it possible for COR to continue meeting the essential needs of LGBTQ+ youth who experience homelessness in our state. One young person recently said, "Without COR, I would've committed suicide. I was struggling with mental health issues - still am - and would never have started getting better without the support of everyone here." Another said, "There is so little community right now that I have access to ... and this felt like a community." Thank you for your support, and for believing in the lifesaving power of community!

Main Address

3905 Carolina Dr.
Anchorage, AK 99517
Get Directions

P.O. Box 141831
Anchorage, AK 99514




Find us on Facebook  
(907) 312-8267

Past Contributions

2022: $6,325.00
2023: $7,175.00
Total: $13,500.00

Cause Types

Youth & Education
Youth Development
Aid and Services to Individuals in Emergency Situations
Aid and Services to the Low Income