About Us
Cooper Landing Emergency Services (CLES) is an all-volunteer fire and EMS agency. We serve an area of approximately 300 square miles and nearly 100 miles of state highway. We serve a community of fewer than 400 full time residents. During the height of fishing season we have up to 10,000 vehicles a day passing through our service area. We provide to the communities of Cooper Landing and those along the highway system from Mile Post 76 Seward Highway to Mile Post 58 Sterling Highway with emergency first aid, ambulance transportation services and fire protection, staffed by trained and qualified personnel at a level sustainable by these communities
How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference
CLES is supported by patient billings and donations. The PCG donations we receive help keep us in operation as well as helping to make up matching funds for grants we apply for. We provide to the communities of Cooper Landing and those along the highway system from Mile Post 76 Seward Highway to Mile Post 58 Sterling Highway with emergency first aid, ambulance transportation services and fire protection, staffed by trained and qualified personnel at a level sustainable by these communities
Main Address
38748 Snug Harbor Road
Cooper Landing, AK 99572
Get Directions
PO Box 510
Cooper Landing, AK 99572
Past Contributions
2012: $1,450.00
2013: $1,750.00
2014: $1,650.00
2015: $2,025.00
2016: $2,025.00
2017: $1,650.00
2018: $1,225.00
2019: $1,775.00
2020: $1,175.00
2021: $1,550.00
2022: $1,725.00
2023: $3,725.00
Total: $21,725.00
Cause Types
Aid and Services to Individuals in Emergency Situations
Aid and Services to Victims of Crime
Animal Rescue