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NAMI Alaska Incorporated

About Us

NAMI Alaska's mission is to provide support, education, and advocacy to Alaska NAMI affiliates, persons with mental health conditions, their families, and others whose lives are affected by a mental health concern.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Your donations will directly benefit those with a mental health condition or others whose lives are impacted by someone with a mental health condition. We sincerely thank you for your donation.

Mailing Address

PO Box 201753
Anchorage, AK 99520




Find us on Facebook  
(907) 978-3322

Past Contributions

2009: $1,150.00
2010: $1,100.00
2011: $2,625.00
2013: $1,825.00
2014: $1,150.00
2015: $1,275.00
2016: $1,050.00
2017: $1,150.00
2018: $1,025.00
2019: $2,175.00
2020: $2,100.00
2021: $2,175.00
2022: $1,900.00
2023: $1,525.00
Total: $22,225.00

Cause Types

Aid and Services to Individuals with Mental Illness