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About Us

NEST provides safe and supportive overnight winter shelter and meals to any adult in need, regardless of their alcohol consumption, and seeks emergency housing solutions for low-income families in financial crisis, and persons needing housing while pursuing sobriety and self-reliance.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

State and federal grants for emergency shelters and low-income housing are decreasing while housing costs in Nome have escalated to the highest in the state. The Nome Emergency Shelter Team (NEST) began as a handful of individuals dedicated to keeping the most vulnerable in our community alive during our harshest winter weather. NEST has since grown into a non-profit organization that provides services in direct response to shelter and housing related needs not met by any other providers in Nome. We run a nightly winter shelter that saves lives, and to the best of our financial ability we try to prevent homelessness, to offer sober housing to those in treatment, and shelter to the most vulnerable among us. Our mission is not driven by the terms of grants or programs - we are solution driven in response to needs within our community. We are limited only by our financial resources, most of which come from donations. Through Pick.Click.Give you can be part of our team!

Main Address

303 W 3rd Ave.
Nome, AK 99762
Get Directions

PO Box 98
Nome, AK 99762




Find us on Facebook  
(907) 443-5259

Past Contributions

2016: $1,375.00
2017: $1,650.00
2018: $2,225.00
2019: $1,750.00
2020: $3,725.00
2021: $1,500.00
2022: $1,325.00
2023: $1,375.00
Total: $14,925.00

Cause Types

Aid and Services to Individuals in Emergency Situations
Aid and Services to the Low Income