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NeighborWorks Alaska

About Us

NeighborWorks® Alaska is dedicated to improving the quality of life for families and individuals by preserving homes, creating new housing opportunities and strengthening neighborhoods.

NeighborWorks® Alaska - Stable Housing. Thriving Families. Strong Communities.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Our vision for Alaska's future is a state where everyone has a place to call home. We provide Access to Success – by offering affordable housing options, maintaining top quality properties, equipping aspiring homeowners with loans and financial management tools, providing community engagement activities, and collaborating on neighborhood revitalization projects, we're committed to building vibrant neighborhoods and communities statewide.

For 35 years, we've walked thousands of Alaskans from vulnerability to security. Housing is the driving force for transformational change in our communities. All people need are the right opportunities. With your help, we're looking forward to 2016 by providing more access to housing for all Alaskans!

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Main Address

2515 A St.
Anchorage, AK 99503
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(907) 677-8434

Past Contributions

2012: $1,200.00
2013: $1,000.00
2014: $2,125.00
2015: $2,375.00
2016: $2,425.00
2017: $1,350.00
2018: $975.00
2019: $650.00
2020: $750.00
2021: $525.00
2022: $825.00
2023: $1,225.00
Total: $15,425.00

Cause Types

Aid and Services to the Elderly
Aid and Services to the Low Income