About Us
Combining a hearty fishing heritage with a love of community led to the establishment of the Petersburg Community Foundation (PCF), an Affiliate of The Alaska Community Foundation. Since its founding in 2008, PCF has been devoted to improving the lives of the young, the elderly, and vulnerable populations as well as to developing recreation, education, and safety programs. Locally advised, PCF focuses on the needs of the area through a permanent endowment fund built by the donations of friends and neighbors.
How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference
The Petersburg Community Foundation (PCF) has supported area nonprofits by offering training opportunities and through annual grant making. Contributions received through Pick.Click.Give. provide PCF with flexible resources to meet current and future community needs.
Previous grant awards have been in the area of music, arts, early childhood education, healthy families, senior food services, animal welfare, and community celebrations. This past year, the PCF awarded funds to W.A.V.E. for the establishment of a a 24/7 domestic violence crisis hotline, and to the Clausen Memorial Museum for the development of a “Discovery Center,” a hands-on approach to learn about local flora and fauna. Other recent grantees include the Petersburg Humane Association, the Petersburg School District, Narrows Broadcasting/KFSK, and the Petersburg Public Library.
As an Affiliate of The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF), PCF benefits from the shared services and infrastructure provided through ACF. This partnership allows for greater efficiency in operations and a higher portion of contributions to be directed back into the local community through the PCF grant-making programs.