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Russian Orthodox Sacred Sites in Alaska Inc

About Us

To preserve Alaska's historic Russian Orthodox churches and the historic articles and furnishings therein.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Pick.Click.Give donations will be used for historic preservation of historic Russian Orthodox churches across the state. Our work includes collaboration with parishes, the Russian Orthodox Diocese, preservation architects and contractors for the assessment, design, and construction projects, which preserve our most fragile and historic Russian Orthodox churches. Beneficiaries of ROSSIA’s work include parish and community members and the wider audience of Alaskans and visitors interested in history and culture.

Main Address

19530 Wingham Circle
Eagle River, AK 99577
Get Directions

P.O. Box 212315
Anchorage, AK 99521




Find us on Facebook  
(907) 690-0136

Past Contributions

2016: $1,675.00
2017: $1,933.00
2018: $1,625.00
2019: $1,925.00
2020: $1,875.00
2021: $1,675.00
2022: $1,275.00
2023: $1,625.00
Total: $13,608.00

Cause Types

Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture

Additional Locations in other Cities, Towns or Villages

51910 Arness Rd.
Kenai, AK 99611