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Singletrack Advocates

About Us

Singletrack Advocates is a group of concerned mountain bikers and recreationists working with other trail users and land managers to preserve, maintain and create natural singletrack trails in the greater Anchorage area. Since STA was formed in 2004, STA has built close to 40 miles of singletrack at Kincaid Park, Hillside Park, and Chugach State Park. STA built the first 8-mile trail network at Hillside in 2008, followed by 9 miles at Kincaid in 2011, 7 miles at Kincaid in 2014, 5 miles at Hillside in 2018, and 6 miles in Chugach State Park in 2022. STA is currently constructing a new 5.5-mile singletrack trail at Hillside. STA maintains the singletrack trail network year-round, including smoothing out ruts for a level riding surface, improving drainage, and clearing vegetation to maintain sight lines along the trails during summer months. During winter months, STA uses snowmachines and grooming attachments to pack down and smooth out the trails for a variety of winter recreation activities such as biking, walking, and skiing.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Donations from the community allow Singletrack Advocates to continue to advocate for sustainable multi-use trails in the Anchorage area. This is accomplished through the construction of new trails and maintenance of existing trails. STA was founded in 2004 and has built and continues to maintain over 36 miles of singletrack trails at Hillside Park, Kincaid Park, and Chugach State Park in Anchorage. STA is currently constructing the new Service Singletrack trail, which is a 5.5 mile trail that will provide beginner and youth-specific terrain for users at Hillside and will allow direct access to singletrack trails from several additional parking areas, providing users a variety of options to begin/end. Pick.Click.Give is an opportunity for you to support STA's mission build and maintain awesome trails in our community.

Mailing Address

PO Box 221382
Anchorage, AK 99522




Find us on Facebook  
(907) 301-4522

Past Contributions

2016: $5,525.00
2017: $6,600.00
2018: $8,550.00
2019: $12,961.56
2020: $13,075.00
2021: $18,228.00
2022: $20,200.00
2023: $21,137.00
Total: $106,276.56

Cause Types

Recreational Facilities