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Search 2025 Organizations

Use this tool to search the 554 qualified Pick.Click.Give organizations alphabetically, by name, by city, or by cause type. Use the advanced search to search using both city and cause type.

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 25
 Organization City
1. Habitat for Humanity Anchorage Anchorage
2. Haines Animal Rescue Kennel Haines
3. Haines Little League Haines
4. Hatcher Pass Avalanche Center Palmer
5. Healing Hand Foundation Juneau
(1 other location)
6. Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation Anchorage
7. Healthy Futures Alaska Sports Hall of Fame Anchorage
8. HeartReach Center Wasilla
9. Help Me Grow Alaska a program of the All Alaska Pediatric Partnership Anchorage
10. Helping Alaska Fairbanks
11. Hillcrest Children's Center Anchorage
12. Hilltop Ski Area Anchorage
13. Homer Animal Friends Homer
14. Homer Community Food Pantry Homer
15. Homer Council on the Arts Homer
16. Homer Foundation Homer
17. Homer Seniors Homer
18. Hope Community Resources Anchorage
(4 other locations)
19. Hospice and Palliative Care of Kodiak Kodiak
20. Hospice of Anchorage Anchorage
21. Hospice of Haines Haines
22. Hospice of the Central Peninsula Soldotna
23. HoWL Homer
24. Humane Society of Kodiak Kodiak Animal Shelter Kodiak
25. Humanity In Progress HIP Petersburg