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Search 2025 Organizations

Use this tool to search the 554 qualified Pick.Click.Give organizations alphabetically, by name, by city, or by cause type. Use the advanced search to search using both city and cause type.

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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19
 Organization City
1. Make-A-Wish Alaska and Washington Anchorage
2. Mat Valley Kitties and Puppies Rescue Wasilla
3. MAT-SAR Search and Rescue Wasilla
4. Mat-Su Concert Band Wasilla
5. Mat-Su Senior Services Palmer
6. Mat-Su Ski Club Palmer
7. Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation Palmer
8. Matanuska Susitna College UAA Anchorage
9. Matanuska Valley Sportsmen Palmer
10. MatSu Food Bank Food Pantry of Wasilla Food4Kids Wasilla
11. Mended Hearts Anchorage Eagle River
(1 other location)
12. Midnight Sun Council BSA Fairbanks
13. Missionary Aviation Repair Center MARC Soldotna
14. Mitkof Dance Troupe Petersburg
15. Mojo's Hope Anchorage
16. Monroe Foundation Fairbanks
17. Mt Edgecumbe Preschool Sitka
18. Museum of the Aleutians Unalaska
19. Museums Alaska Anchorage