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Search 2025 Organizations

Use this tool to search the 554 qualified Pick.Click.Give organizations alphabetically, by name, by city, or by cause type. Use the advanced search to search using both city and cause type.

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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
 Organization City
1. NAMI Alaska Anchorage
2. Native Peoples Action Community Fund Anchorage
3. NeighborWorks Alaska Anchorage
4. NEST Nome
5. New Hope Compassionate Ministries Anchorage
6. Ninilchik Community Library Ninilchik
7. Nome Community Center Inc Nome
8. Nordic Ski Club of Fairbanks Fairbanks
9. Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage Anchorage
10. North Paw K9 Search and Recovery Anchorage
11. North Star Ballet Fairbanks
12. North Star Community Foundation Fairbanks