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About Us

KTOO’s mission is to provide trusted and independent news, connect our community to the arts and music, promote civic participation, and embrace diverse viewpoints and cultures. Through our wide-ranging services and partnerships, we have grown from a local radio and television station to a company that connects Juneau with the rest of Alaska and provides information and entertainment to our citizens by a variety of means.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

By making an additional gift through the Pick.Click.Give. program, you can make a huge difference in the services of our three public radio stations (KTOO, KRNN and KXLL), the stories from the KTOO newsroom, and the programs on our television channel, 360TV, which provides live coverage of the legislature broadcast statewide on Gavel Alaska. We have some ambitious goals, and when you give, we put your donation right to work to improve and expand our public media services.

We've been investing in expanding local news and music programming on the radio and the web. We hope you’ve noticed in-depth news coverage and more diverse voices on the air and on the ever-expanding ktoo.org. Our audience growth on the web has increased more than 10-fold, and we think you’ll find the website a great place for Alaska news and information.

We’re dedicated to being more fully engaged with our many communities in Juneau and Southeast to make more people feel “at home” with KTOO news, arts, and culture programming. Our future depends on our ability to include the voices and perspectives that have been historically excluded by the media. We acknowledge the historic and continued underrepresentation of diverse perspectives in public media. We’re committed to bettering our workplace and expanding the communities we serve. We are consciously working to amplify underrepresented voices in our community so we can confidently present fair and representative news and lift up those communities through our programming.

In these days of misinformation and news fatigue, we feel a special obligation to step up and fill the gap with in-depth news and public affairs coverage and high-quality arts and cultural programming. We are proud of our heritage, and we’re excited about our future – all of it made possible by your support. You can make a meaningful difference in our ability to deliver the very best by making a Pick.Click.Give. contribution. Gunalchéesh! Háw'aa! Thank you!

Main Address

360 Egan Drive
Juneau, AK 99801
Get Directions




Find us on Facebook  
(907) 586-1670

Past Contributions

2009: $1,425.00
2010: $1,975.00
2011: $5,600.00
2012: $6,703.00
2013: $9,000.00
2014: $8,225.00
2015: $12,125.00
2016: $11,151.40
2017: $9,500.00
2018: $8,875.00
2019: $11,806.00
2020: $13,071.00
2021: $13,250.00
2022: $12,650.00
Total: $125,356.40

Cause Types

Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture
Public Broadcasting