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Alaska Anthropological Association

About Us

The purpose of the Alaska Anthropological Association is to serve as a vehicle for maintaining communication among people interested in all branches of anthropology; to promote public awareness and support for anthropological activities and goals; to foster knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of Alaska Native and circumpolar cultural heritage; to work in collaboration with indigenous communities on all aspects of research and education; and to facilitate the dissemination of anthropological works in both technical and non-technical formats.

The Alaska Anthropological Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation governed by a president and a five-member board of directors. Officers are elected from the membership of the Association to serve two-year terms. They meet at least three times a year to provide leadership and oversee the Association business. One board meeting occurs as part of the Association’s annual meeting.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Pick-Click-Give funds donated to the Alaska Anthropological Association will be used to provide student scholarships. These awards will help students cover expenses with furthering their education or attending the Association's annual conference.

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 241686
Anchorage, AK 99524




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(907) 474-6943

Past Contributions

2023: $1,150.00
2024: $850.00
Total: $2,000.00

Cause Types

Youth & Education
Workforce Development
Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture