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Alaska Health Fair

About Us

Mission: Promote statewide health education and preventative screenings. Vision: Optimal health for all Alaskans. Core Purpose: Promote health and wellness and save lives.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Alaska Health Fair has been serving Alaskans for generations, since 1980. We are the providers of the Original Health Fair, a unique event model where Alaskans can access health education, free basic health screenings, and affordable blood tests. Thousands of people attend AHF events in Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks, and many other communities throughout the state each year. People of all walks of life come to health fairs - from lawyers to fishers to oil industry workers to legislators. We organize a wide variety of community health fairs, worksite events, as well as special charitable events for homeless. All health fairs are community-driven events, supported by hundreds of local medical and non-medical volunteers. Did you know? Based on evaluation forms that we ask clients to fill out after each health fair: - 95% of attendees plan to follow up with a doctor if they learn of a health condition through screenings and tests received at the event. - 85% report that after attending the health fair, they gained a better understanding of some ways they can have healthier behaviors. - 99.9% are satisfied with the quality of AHF health fairs. How do we use Pick.Click.Give donations? We use 100% of donations to cover the cost of blood tests for Alaskans experiencing a financial hardship. Each year, we provide hundreds of blood tests - free of charge - at special events for the homeless throughout Alaska. We also provide free blood tests to Alaskans who are experiencing a financial hardship. 100% of donations is used for services, and zero percent is used for any other purpose. We are 100% local, and 99.9% volunteer-driven. Consider making a donation to Alaska Health Fair through Pick.Click.Give. $25 will cover the cost of a diabetes A1C blood test for one person. $45 will cover the cost of a Comprehensive Blood Chemistry test panel consisting of 27 indicators. Your donation could save someone's life. Most importantly, come to AHF Health Fairs and bring your friends. All events are open to the public. Please visit www.alaskahealthfair.org for current schedule and additional information. Would you like to join our family of volunteers? When on the website, click on the Volunteer tab. Thank you!!

Mailing Address

720 W 58th Avenue, Ste J
Anchorage, AK 97882




Find us on Facebook  
(907) 278-0234

Past Contributions

2009: $800.00
2010: $725.00
2011: $1,525.00
2012: $1,775.00
2013: $1,625.00
2014: $2,000.00
2015: $3,500.00
2016: $2,675.00
2017: $1,875.00
2018: $2,100.00
2019: $2,025.00
2021: $1,725.00
2022: $275.00
Total: $22,625.00

Cause Types

Aid and Services to the Elderly
Aid and Services to the Low Income
Health and Dental Care

Additional Locations in other Cities, Towns or Villages

725 26th Ave., Suite, 201
Fairbanks, AK 99701