About Us
A Meal, A Bed, A Soul Well Fed
We are a Christian organization and our purpose is to show God's love through example and in a practical manner by providing for the needs of the homeless, poor, needy and dysfunctional people in our community. Our goal, is Rescue and Rehabilitation. Our aim, is to return the people that come to us for help to being useful citizens in society.
How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference
Should you designate a donation to be directed to the Mission you will help us fulfill our function as an overnight shelter to house the homeless of our community in a safe, warm and welcoming environment. Our kitchen feeds the homeless, the working poor and needy families an average of 7,000 meals per month 365 days a year.
We have opened up an accommodation for women to become participants in our current one-year in-residence LifeSkills Program. Our program offers the opportunity for recovery and reintegration into a useful and productive life at no cost to the participants.
We sustain a Creative Beginnings Art Recovery class. We also offer groups to support sobriety. We partner with other sister nonprofits and community agencies and with academia to provide as broad an exposure as possible to the resources helpful in rebuilding a sense of accomplishment and genuine community among those we serve.
The Mission also provides for limited medical care, clothing, school supplies and licensing fees for qualifying individuals.
Our clothing room provides work clothing for men and women and for clothing that meets the needs of those living on the street.
The Mission is very pleased to be listed with Pick.Click.Give.and thanks you for your consideration.