About Us
The mission of Anchorage Project Access (APA) is to increase access to health care for low-income uninsured members of our community by using a volunteer network of providers working in a coordinated fashion to create a compassionate, respectful, equitable, accountable and efficient program of necessary services for those in need.
A physician-led initiative, APA and the volunteer provider network saw its first client in December, 2005. Services provided by APA staff include all “back office” functions, such as enrollment, screening, and referral of patients to physicians; making patient appointments; phoning clients prior to appointments and ensuring access to transportation; translating services where needed; maintaining physician relationships and providing physician recognition; and tracking and analyzing patient data. We also provide pharmacy benefits to enrolled patients, with a maximum amount of $800/year.
As the delivery of health care has drastically changed throughout the nation, APA has now taken on the function of assisting potential clients with enrollment information and/or actually enrolling them for the Affordable Care Act marketplace insurance and Medicaid. If they do not qualify for these services and they meet our eligibility requirements, we enroll them in APA and treat the patient. In addition, we have recently expanded our project to include a “pay-it-forward” dental program modeled after an 8-year successful program in Battle Creek, Michigan.
How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference
Funds received from Pick.Click.Give. support patient benefits. These include professional care coordination; transportation for patients; translation services when needed; and pharmacy benefits for eligible patients.
Mailing Address
2121 Abbott Rd SUITE 202
Anchorage, AK 99507
Past Contributions
2009: $150.00
2010: $475.00
2011: $3,425.00
2012: $4,200.00
2013: $3,750.00
2014: $2,800.00
2015: $3,025.00
2016: $2,350.00
2017: $2,300.00
2018: $1,550.00
2019: $2,475.00
2020: $1,850.00
2021: $1,714.00
2022: $1,300.00
2023: $1,975.00
2024: $1,600.00
Total: $34,939.00
Cause Types
Aid and Services to the Low Income
Aid and Services to Individuals with Mental Illness
Health and Dental Care