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Best Beginnings

About Us

Since its beginning in September 2006, Best Beginnings has consistently carried out our mission by investing funds, resources, time, and energy in growing readers, building strong families, and engaging community.

Key Objectives

1. Parents and extended family are engaged in their children’s learning from birth on.
2. Alaskans know that early learning and literacy are important to society.
3. Alaskans understand that investments in early learning pay big dividends to the state as a whole.
4. Sufficient funds are committed – from public and private sources – to ensure that every Alaska child has the opportunity to begin school ready to succeed.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Tomorrow’s success begins today. Less than half of Alaska children arrive at kindergarten with all the skills experts say children need to succeed. Communities across Alaska are taking action to prepare our children for a bright future and you can help.Your gift will help ensure more Alaska babies and children get what they need to build their young brains and develop skills they need to thrive and grow.

Your support makes you a key partner in providing educational materials, supporting awareness of the importance of a child's first years, and in ensuring thousands of children receive a new, high-quality, age-appropriate book in the mail each month at no cost to their families through Imagination Library. In 2021 Best Beginnings supported 30 Imagination Libraries in 138 diverse Alaska communities with more than 14,000 children receiving books each month. Since its beginning, Imagination Library has delivered over 2 million books to Alaska children!

Your donation will boost early childhood literacy and learning, help create strong families through parent engagement and education, and raise community awareness.

Join us in preparing Alaska children for a successful tomorrow. Thank you.

Main Address

3350 Commercial Drive, Suite 104A
Anchorage, AK 99501
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Find us on Facebook  
(907) 297-3311

Past Contributions

2016: $5,275.00
2017: $3,950.00
2018: $3,550.00
2019: $4,975.00
2020: $4,725.00
2021: $3,775.00
2022: $4,525.00
2023: $3,525.00
Total: $34,300.00

Cause Types

Youth & Education
Youth Development
Arts & Culture