About Us
Formed in 1989, Denali Education Center is a nonprofit educational partner of Denali National Park and Preserve. Through our partnership with the NPS and with the support of the community, we give visitors and Alaska residents of all ages the chance to form lasting connections to Denali and their natural world.
We provide fun, informative, and inspiring programs that connect people to Denali. Through our multi-day learning vacations, day programs, youth programs, and special events, we build lifelong friendships, create lasting memories, and foster a new generation of land stewards.
How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference
Contributions to Pick.Click.Give strengthens our programming and leverages support from foundations, corporations, and individuals. Showing that we have support from everyday Alaskans speaks loudly for our mission to connect people to Denali and wild places everywhere. We are honored to provide opportunities for people who may not otherwise visit Denali and to teach kids across the state about the wonders of Denali and all of Alaska's national parks. We provide camperships to ensure all children have equal access to Denali Discovery Camp, Denali Backcountry Aventures, and Talkeetna Discovery Camp. Your Pick.Click.Give. contribution means more than just dollars!