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Friends of ANCCS

About Us

Friends of ANCCS is a non-profit 501c3 organization. We were formed to support the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School. We are the only affiliated entity to hold funds for the school's future needs.

Alaska Native Cultural Charter School, founded in 2007, is the only Title I public charter school within the Anchorage School District. ANCCS is open to all students from preschool through 8th grade. ANCCS students learn Alaska Native Cultures, History, Traditions, and Languages with a focus on Yup’ik Culture. ANCCS provides students with a strong sense of Alaska Native pride and values through Yuuyaraq (way of being).

The Alaska Native Cultural Charter School (ANCCS) was displaced from its school building due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, the school has been housed in a temporary locations. This has been a significant disruption for our students, families, and staff. ANCCS is in dire need of a space of our own, a forever home, designed to fulfill the unique needs of Pre-K-8th grade students, families, and staff. This is necessary for our students to meet their full potential and our community to thrive educationally, socially, and culturally.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Funding received through Pick.Click.Give will be support our school community in securing a long-term home for the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School. Funds will also support our cultural and academic fund, which helps to enrich the cultural experiences our students are exposted to and participate in despite being in an urban setting.

Mailing Address

PO Box 240552
Anchorage, AK 99524




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(907) 360-4334

Past Contributions

2024: $2,275.00
Total: $2,275.00

Cause Types

Youth & Education
Primary, Vocational, or Secondary Education
Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture