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About Us

JAMM, Juneau Alaska Music Matters, is a Sistema-inspired program that offers 90 minutes per week of tuition-free string instruction for Kindergarten through 5th grade students with additional opportunities for students in secondary grades. JAMM activities build upon a positive youth development model where children develop key skills for life and are encouraged to contribute positively to their community through music, ensemble and leadership. Through school and community partnerships, JAMM’s programming fulfills its mission of access and equity, academic success, and community engagement for Juneau youth.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

JAMM is both a school-readiness and positive youth development model where children develop key skills for life and are encouraged to contribute positively to their community through music, ensemble and leadership.

At three Juneau elementary schools, kindergarten and first grade students receive 90 minutes of violin ensemble instruction during the school week; JAMM staff incorporate literacy skills, social-emotional learning, and culturally responsive pedagogy into JAMMʼs violin curriculum. One JAMM school, Sítʼ Eetí Shaanáx̱, also incorporates Lingít language and music into classes this year in a pilot program called, Haa Tóo Yéi Yatee.
Students in second through fifth grade have the option of participating in JAMMʼs after-school club which continues to provide 90 minutes per week of string ensemble instruction. Two JAMM elementary schools also offer after school music exploratory sessions, that rotate throughout the school year, so that students experience topics including cultural music, music technology, songwriting, movement, and non-classical instrument experiences.

At the secondary level JAMM funds a Middle School Mentorship program, provides private lesson scholarships, ensemble coaching, and offers paid high school teaching assistant positions; these opportunities are available to all secondary string musicians.

Funds received through Pick, Click, Give will provide private lesson scholarships for middle and high school string musicians who are dedicated to growing musically, participate in community ensembles, and cannot afford private lessons without JAMMʼs financial support. This year JAMM has provided scholarships for 9 students, including bass, cello, and violin musicians. The need for scholarship funds continues to grow as more and more young JAMM musicians are inspired and interested in playing their instrument at a more advanced level in middle and high school.

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 34205
Juneau, AK 99803




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(360) 305-9748

Past Contributions

2022: $1,050.00
2023: $850.00
2024: $875.00
Total: $2,775.00

Cause Types

Youth & Education
Primary, Vocational, or Secondary Education
Youth Development
Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture