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Kodiak Womens Resource and Crisis Center

About Us

The mission of KWRCC is to provide resources and crisis services to the Kodiak Island Community, as well as safe shelter for victims and their children fleeing Domestic Violence and/or Sexual Assault. We are dedicated to helping victims develop inner strength to achieve their fullest potential and we are committed to promoting community awareness and education in the prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. The goal of KWRCC is to improve the status of victims and we advocate for the rights of victims and their children to live free from fear, violence, and abuse and take responsibility for their own lives.

We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit membership corporation dedicated to improving the status of Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. KWRCC began in 1976 as a womens discussion group. It has grown to provide a voice and answer the needs of Kodiak and its surrounding communities by providing immediate safety, crisis intervention, advocacy with the legal, medical, social, law enforcement, and mental health systems, community education and support, and rural outreach.

For a full listing of programs and nonprofit information visit our profile on GuideStar: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/92-0070130

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

KWRCC receives grant funding through the Alaska Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA), the Kodiak Island Borough, and the City of Kodiak. With tightening budgets, KWRCC depends on our community donors more than ever to help make up the difference! Pick.Click.Give donations are used directly for client services and make a significant impact on our ability to meet the day to day needs of food, shelter supplies, emergency travel funds for clients in crisis, among a multitude of other needs that directly benefit Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.

KWRCC prohibits the denial of services to individuals on the basis of race or ethnicity, language, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, social class, economic status, education, marital status, religious affiliation, political affiliation, immigration/residency status, HIV status, other disabilities, or any other discriminating factor. If KWRCC services are inappropriate for an individual, referrals to more appropriate services shall be provided.

Main Address

422 Hillside Drive
Kodiak, AK 99615
Get Directions

PO Box 2122
Kodiak, AK 99615




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(907) 486-6171

Past Contributions

2009: $575.00
2010: $1,975.00
2011: $3,175.00
2013: $3,175.00
2015: $4,900.00
2016: $3,725.00
2017: $2,350.00
2018: $2,375.00
2019: $3,325.00
2020: $3,934.00
2021: $4,800.00
2022: $5,700.00
2023: $3,875.00
Total: $43,884.00

Cause Types

Youth & Education
Child Abuse and Neglect
Aid and Services to Individuals in Emergency Situations
Aid and Services to Victims of Crime