About Us
The Palmer Community Foundation (PCF), an Affiliate of The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF), is building a permanent endowment to grow philanthropy and support a healthy community. We are committed to supporting a vital, progressive community where people can live, work, play, and retire.
As an Affiliate of The Alaska Community Foundation, PCF benefits from the shared services and administrative resources provided through ACF. This partnership allows for greater efficiency in operations and the maximum portion of contributions to be directed back into the local community. PCF’s goal is to both support and sustain the vibrant Matanuska River watershed community nonprofits by growing an endowment fund that, through grants, is responsive to local needs.
The Advisory Board brings local knowledge and expertise to address the unique needs of the Palmer community. Made up of a dedicated group of local volunteers, PCF supports a broad range of needs, including health and wellness, education, the great outdoors, arts and culture, and community development. We bring people and organizations together to address local issues and opportunities. We invest charitable resources in the long term while prioritizing progress today.
How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference
Palmer has a long and generous tradition of people helping people. PCF celebrates our unique environmental and historical traditions. While local charities directly address immediate needs, philanthropy is focused on long-term solutions. The Palmer Community Foundation helps to pool resources to generate greater impact.
PCF is committed to supporting significant community projects that will benefit current and future residents of the Matanuska River watershed communities. Contributions received through Pick. Click. Give. further PCF grantmaking work and helps PCF invest charitable resources in the future of Palmer. These gifts make a genuine difference in the lives of our citizens. Yours can, too.
The Palmer Community Foundation invites you to follow us on Facebook and to visit our website at www.palmercf.org to learn how you can make a difference!
Thank you for your support in helping to build a legacy for the Palmer community!