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Seward Arts Council

About Us

The mission of Seward Arts Council is to foster the appreciation, education, and understanding of the arts by promoting cultural opportunities, performances, instruction and exhibitions.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Our small town arts organization is striving to bring the best in art performances, visual arts and workshops to the community that sits on Resurrection Bay. We hope to instill a deep and abiding love of the arts in our young people. Our local artists have always donated so much to the town from our many murals to our fabulous First Friday events, to free music in our coffee houses, to theatrical performances. The Seward Arts Council is here to help artists and local folks with arts in mind support their efforts to enrich our home. Art and the spirit of community that art provides drive all that we do. Any money that we receive through Pick.Click.Give. will go to enriching our community through the arts. Our organization currently has no paid staff so no money goes to administrative costs, just good, pure art.

Main Address

336 Sixth Avenue
Seward, AK 99664
Get Directions

PO Box 794
Seward, AK 99664




Find us on Facebook  
(907) 362-3102

Past Contributions

2012: $1,200.00
2013: $1,725.00
2014: $1,750.00
2015: $1,625.00
2016: $1,675.00
2017: $1,400.00
2018: $1,075.00
2021: $1,200.00
2022: $1,650.00
2023: $2,300.00
Total: $15,600.00

Cause Types

Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture