About Us
The Sitka Homeless Coalition was started in 2017 by a small group of volunteers. It has since blossomed into an emerging and growing non-profit. Though still a small organization, SHC has big plans for alleviating homelessness in our community.
Following Housing First principles, the Sitka Homeless Coalition strives to build community for all Sitkans experiencing homelessness. We provide programs that meet the immediate needs of our clients, such as a showers and laundry program and a dinner program. Most notably though, the Sitka Homeless Coalition is responding to the need of housing and shelter in Stika through the development and building of a small housing community with residential units and a community center for service provision.
From a small group of volunteers with heart and a dream, to a large capital project that will make an incredible impact on the community, the Sitka Homeless Coalition seeks to make sustainable, powerful, and dignifying change for those experiencing homelessness and for the whole of our community.
How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference
Sitka does not have an emergency shelter, nor does it have any opportunity for people experiencing chronic homelessness to receive permanent supportive housing. The funds from your donation to the Sitka Homeless Coalition will go towards the development and continuation of a program that will provide these services where they are desperately needed!
The Hítx'i Sáani (Lingít for "Little House") Community will consist of 12 permanent supportive housing units, a caretaker unit, and a community center that will double as a service provision building and an emergency shelter for those still experiencing homelessness. We hope to provide a space and opportunity for adults experiencing chronic homelessness to receive not only shelter, but the services that can help to change their lives: behavioral health counseling, primary care services, substance abuse support groups, recreational healing opportunities, a sense of community, and a place of belonging and dignity.
We are currently in the beginning building phases of this capital project. With your donations, we will be able to finalize plans with high capacity for service provision; hire and train quality staff to provide quality services; and develop a plan to make the Hítx’i Sáani Community a program that will sustainably impact our community for decades.
Thank you in advance for your support in our mission to provide warm, safe, life-changing shelter to the most vulnerable in our community.