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Southeast Alaska Land Trust

About Us

The Southeast Alaska Land Trust collaborates with communities, individuals, and organizations throughout Southeast Alaska to help ensure that highly-valued habitat, recreation, open space, and cultural and historic areas continue to thrive for the well-being of each generation.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

The Southeast Alaska Land Trust is a nonprofit organization founded in 1995 to conserve the lands and waters of Southeast Alaska. We are founded by, and for, Alaskans.

With the generous support of our members, we have successfully protected over 3,600 acres of critical habitat and exceptional landscapes within Southeast Alaska: pristine wetlands, shoreline, salmon streams, critical bird migration habitat, an arboretum for public education, and one historic homestead. We are continuing to work hard to conserve more special places every day.

Thanks to our supporters, SEALT has helped to preserve, in perpetuity, locally important land which will be enjoyed for generations to come. Thank you for your continued support of the Southeast Alaska Land Trust. Your donation makes a difference!

If you want to have a lasting impact on the beauty and character of Southeast Alaska, then go here: pfd.alaska.gov, and Pick.Click.Give. to SEALT. Thank you!

Main Address

119 Seward Street, Suite 2
Juneau, AK 99801
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(907) 586-3100

Past Contributions

2016: $1,325.00
2017: $750.00
2018: $950.00
2019: $1,356.00
2020: $1,775.00
2021: $1,825.00
2022: $2,250.00
2023: $2,400.00
Total: $12,631.00

Cause Types

Recreational Facilities