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Susitna River Coalition

About Us

The Susitna River Coalition includes a growing community of more than 23,000 individuals, groups, and businesses from around Alaska and the nation who support a free-flowing Susitna River and the healthy communities it sustains. Our immediate work is to stop the proposed Susitna mega dam through collaboration, education, advocacy and awareness of the values of an intact Susitna watershed. Our long-term work is to establish permanent protection for the Susitna river.

How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference

Pick.Click.Give. donations go directly to citizen advocacy work based in Talkeetna, a community central to the Susitna ecosystem. SRC includes a core group of volunteers and a dedicated board that work around the region to help carry out our mission to stop the dam and protect the river. SRC functions as an efficient and streamlined organization, funneling resources directly into the campaign to protect our rivers, our communities and the land that provides our economic livelihoods.

Mailing Address

PO BOX 320
Talkeetna, AK 99676




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(907) 733-5400

Past Contributions

2017: $1,725.00
2018: $1,825.00
2019: $2,200.00
2020: $1,450.00
2021: $1,250.00
2022: $1,475.00
2023: $2,400.00
Total: $12,325.00

Cause Types

Arts & Culture
Arts & Culture
Economic Development