About Us
The University of Alaska Southeast is a regional unit of the University of Alaska statewide system of higher education. The mission of the University of Alaska Southeast is student learning enhanced by faculty scholarship, undergraduate research and creative activities, community engagement, and the cultures and environment of Southeast Alaska. The Juneau campus continues to serve as the center for baccalaureate and graduate education for the region.
How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference
Why give to the University of Alaska Southeast?
The University of Alaska is important to Alaska’s future economic development. Through partnerships with business and industry, UAS is able to focus its highest priority initiatives in response to Southeast Alaska’s employment and job training needs.
Statistics show that the more education an individual receives, the less money the government will spend on welfare, unemployment, child support enforcement, incarceration, health care and other social services. Furthermore, the more likely that person is to vote, be active in their community, and contribute to charities.
A strong university brings more to our community than opportunities for higher education and professional advancement. Nationwide, our country’s colleges and universities are centers for the arts and scientific research. These programs enrich our lives and strengthen our community, while attracting new businesses to invest in our local economy.
Contributions received through the Pick.Click.Give. program are restricted by the campus you choose and are automatically deposited into that campus’ General Support Fund and are used for the areas of greatest need for students as determined by the Chancellor or Campus Director.