About Us
WAVE believes that violence is an unacceptable way to deal with problems and that people have the right to be free from violence in their homes. Our goal is to provide a place where anyone, regardless of sex, age, race, or sexual orientation, can go to be safe and explore their options.
How Pick.Click.Give. makes a difference
WAVE is a non-profit organization in Petersburg, Alaska that offers advocacy to victims of power-base violence. Your Pick.Click.Give contribution goes to the needs of victims in Petersburg, allowing WAVE to provide services such as safety planning, menstrual products, legal advocacy and a 24-hr response line that allows victims to immediately access local advocates. WAVE also advocates for safety on a community level by providing education to local schools, organizations and businesses. As a small but growing organization, WAVE is grateful for every contribution and through Pick.Click.Give you help us make a real difference in the lives of those seeking safety in times of crisis.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 415
Petersburg, AK 99833
Past Contributions
2011: $1,200.00
2013: $850.00
2014: $1,075.00
2015: $1,225.00
2016: $1,450.00
2017: $1,875.00
2018: $2,050.00
2019: $1,700.00
2020: $1,450.00
2021: $1,550.00
2022: $1,800.00
2023: $1,150.00
2024: $1,050.00
Total: $18,425.00
Cause Types
Youth & Education
Child Abuse and Neglect
Aid and Services to Individuals in Emergency Situations
Aid and Services to Victims of Crime